

Kura Reo & Kura Ririki | Registrations Are Open

By |2024-06-27T11:56:55+12:00June 13th, 2024|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Rāhina 15 - Rāpare 18, Hōngongoi 2024 Nau mai, haere mai ngā tangata katoa! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to upskill and connect with others who share your passion for te reo Māori. Kura Reo (16yrs+) is an amazing opportunity to immerse yourself in te reo and enhance your language skills with experienced [...]

Update on RNZAF Base Woodbourne Redress

By |2024-05-09T15:01:07+12:00May 9th, 2024|Categories: Pānui|

Tēnā koutou e te whānau We are writing to you with an important update regarding our negotiations with the Crown in relation to RNZAF Base Woodbourne (Woodbourne). As you will likely be aware, the Kurahaupō settlements included the right for the three Kurahaupō iwi to purchase Woodbourne land and improvements, subject to the operational requirements [...]

South Island Customary Fishing Regulations (SICFR)

By |2024-05-03T12:18:46+12:00May 3rd, 2024|Categories: Pānui|

Kia ora e te iwi We are writing to update you on the current mahi being progressed by Rangitāne in relation to the South Island Customary Fishing Regulations. Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau Trust, through our mandated iwi representatives, is currently in the process of considering our entry into the South Island Customary Fishing [...]

Rangitāne Bless 2 Horton Street Development

By |2024-01-29T11:06:37+13:00January 29th, 2024|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Rangitāne o Wairau iwi gathered at dawn this morning to bless the new commercial development on the Horton Street property acquired as part of the Rangitāne Treaty Settlement with the Crown. Rangitāne Investments have constructed the purpose-built facility for lease by Astrolabe Wines who are combining sales and production operations on one site.  The development [...]

Release of Rangitāne o Wairau Group 2023 Annual Report

By |2023-12-19T17:07:26+13:00December 19th, 2023|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Rangitāne o Wairau has released its Annual Report for the financial year ending 30 June 2023, with Kaiwhakahaere Matua (General Manager) Corey Hebberd saying that the Group’s accounts demonstrate reliable results in a deteriorating global economic environment. “Despite interest rates across the globe continuing to rise, and with inflation yet to return to what is [...]

Rangitāne o Wairau release Blenheim Sewage Treatment Plant Cultural Impact Assessment

By |2023-12-13T09:38:01+13:00December 13th, 2023|Categories: Pānui|

Rangitāne o Wairau has released its Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) in relation to the Blenheim Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP).  The CIA has been crafted with the input and insights provided by our whānau over many years, whilst also drawing on the initial work that Rangitāne has undertaken in preparing a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for [...]

Kura Reo & Kura Ririki | Registrations Are Open

By |2023-12-12T08:40:53+13:00December 12th, 2023|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

22 - 25 Kohi-tātea (January) 2024 Nau mai, haere mai ngā tangata katoa! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to upskill and connect with others who share your passion for te reo Māori. KURA REO – This is an amazing opportunity to immerse yourself in te reo and enhance your language skills with experienced [...]

Information on Proposed Trust Deed Amendments

By |2023-12-05T14:51:54+13:00December 5th, 2023|Categories: Pānui|

In 2021, Rangitāne o Wairau embarked on a journey with whānau to review our Trust Deeds. After nearly two years, dozens of hui across the motu and some hearty discussions, we are now ready to come together once more and vote on the proposed revisions as part of our upcoming AGM. What are the Deeds? [...]

Mātauranga Education Strategy

By |2023-08-15T10:42:27+12:00August 15th, 2023|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

We are excited to announce the Rangitāne o Wairau Mātauranga Education Strategy Draft is ready for review and feedback. This marks a significant milestone in our journey to develop an education strategy for our iwi. This strategy is a document forged by Rangitāne, for Rangitāne and as Rangitāne. It speaks to our shared challenges and [...]