Mātauranga Education Strategy

We are excited to announce the Rangitāne o Wairau Mātauranga Education Strategy Draft is ready for review and feedback. This marks a significant milestone in our journey to develop an education strategy for our iwi. This strategy is a document forged by Rangitāne, for Rangitāne and as Rangitāne. It speaks to our shared challenges and dreams, built with insights from whānau hui across the motu.

A few things to note about the strategy:

• It champions our iwi-led aspirations and solutions, ensuring we are the drivers of our future in this space.

• It unapologetically addresses the challenges we face, emphasising the continuing impact of colonisation on our whānau.

• It runs parallel with our Tangata Rau, Reo Kotahi (Language & Cultural Strategy) timeframes, ensuring alignment between our core strategies as an iwi.

From today until 15 September, we’re asking for feedback on this draft strategy. Once refined, we’ll transition from envisioning our future to actualising it together.

Feedback can be given by emailing events@rangitane.org.nz or by attending one of our two consultation hui below.

Online Hui – Tuesday 12th September – 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Wairau Hui – Wednesday 13th September – 6:00pm to 7:00pm

To register for the Wairau Hui or Online Hui (Zoom Link) please email events@rangitane.org.nz or call our office on (03) 578 6180.

To our whānau who have already lent their voice and energy – ngā mihi nui. As we embark on the next chapter of development, please continue to make your voice heard. 

Rangitāne Mātauranga Education Strategy Draft
By |2023-08-15T10:42:27+12:00August 15th, 2023|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments