/, Pānui/Taiao Strategy Whānau Engagement

Taiao Strategy Whānau Engagement

Rangitāne o Wairau has commenced work on the development of our Taiao Strategy, which will support and guide our response, input and priorities in the environmental management sphere.

The development of the Strategy is being led by our whanaunga Mark Moses and Gena Moses-Te Kani.  It is anticipated that the Strategy will traverse a variety of areas, including our relationship with Crown agencies, our aspirations and priorities, and how we respond to external drivers (for example, areas such as the reform of the Resource Management Act and Three Waters).

Taiao generally covers activities related to the environment, but may also include customary activities, taonga fauna and flora, such as those used for ngā mahi a ngā tīpuna) and other overlaps with heritage, cultural activities, learning and education.

We are extending an invitation to interested whānau members to participate in group workshops focusing on Taiao aspirations and priorities. These will be run on Sunday 5 March 2023.  Please RSVP to admin@rangitane.org.nz if you are interested in attending.  If you are unavailable but still keen to participate, we may run some workshops at another date in the evening, or we can arrange a one-on-one kōrero with the facilitators for you.

By |2023-02-03T11:23:26+13:00January 16th, 2023|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments