Ko wai tātou? Who are we? | Iwi Classification Update | Statistics New Zealand

Stats NZ consulting on iwi classifications

What are Stats NZ seeking feedback on?

Stats NZ is seeking feedback from iwi or iwi-related groups who would like to be included the iwi classification update, in time for the 2023 Census.

Iwi classification is a statistical list of iwi and iwi-related groups throughout New Zealand that are recognised by Stats NZ. Stats NZ update this list as regularly as they can in order to capture the dynamic and changing nature of iwi and iwi-related groups. This allows Stats NZ to provide a standard approach for grouping and reporting iwi and iwi-related groups.

Why does it matter?

This iwi classifications are used to support the statistical information created for iwi, Māori, government, and other people working with Māori. Other agencies and organisations may use the classification for different purposes.

What is our current classification?

Whilst we call ourselves “Rangitāne o Wairau“, for statistical reporting, we’re referred to as “Rangitāne (Te Waipounamu/South Island)” within the Statistics NZ datasets.

An example of the dataset created under this classification can be found here.

What do you think?

The deadline for submissions to Stats NZ is 21 November 2021. More information on their consultation process can be found here.

At this stage, we’re not proposing to submit to the update – but we’d really like to hear your whakaaro on the current classification and whether you consider it to be appropriate. There is plenty of information and resources available on the Stats NZ website, and we encourage you to take a look at this.

Some things to think about include:

  • Does the current classification resonate with us as individuals, as whānau and as iwi?
  • Do you have a preference in terms of what resonates (for example, “Rangitāne o Wairau” vs “Rangitāne (Te Waipounamu/South Island)”)?
  • Are you aware of any whakaaro shared by our kaumātua on the classification?
  • Do you think the classification “Rangitāne (Te Waipounamu/South Island)” accurately captures all of our Rangitāne whānau in terms of data collection and reporting?

Please, if you have any whakaaro regarding this kaupapa, leave a comment below, or contact us at admin@rangitane.org.nz.

By |2021-10-11T14:24:31+13:00October 11th, 2021|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|3 Comments


  1. Jo fisher 11/10/2021 at 8:54 pm - Reply

    I think it should remain the same as it defines our land and where we see from.

  2. RaNae 12/10/2021 at 8:21 am - Reply

    We are Rangitāne o Wairau.

  3. Vera MacDonald 07/11/2021 at 5:18 am - Reply

    Ae, tika tonu RaNae – Rangitāne o Wairau.

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